-- 8.5.1 Encoding the message space in CSPm
-- The case of the NSL protocol
-- (not in the book)
datatype MESSAGE = User.USER | Nonce.NONCE | Key.KEY | Enc.KEY.MESSAGE | Sq.Seq(MESSAGE)
datatype USER = A | B | I
datatype NONCE = NA | NB | NI
datatype KEY = PKA | PKB | PKI | SKA | SKB | SKI
pk(A) = PKA
pk(B) = PKB
pk(I) = PKI
sk(PKA) = SKA
sk(PKB) = SKB
sk(PKI) = SKI
datatype MESSAGE_LABEL = Msg1 | Msg2 | Msg3
MSG1_CONT = { Enc.pkb.(Sq.<Nonce.na, User.a>) | pkb <- PKEY, na <- NONCE, a <- USER }
MSG1_BODY = { (Msg1, c) | c <- MSG1_CONT }
MSG2_CONT = {Enc.pka.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.na, Nonce.nb>) | pka <- PKEY, b <- USER, na <- NONCE, nb <- NONCE }
MSG2_BODY = { (Msg2, c) | c <- MSG2_CONT }
MSG3_CONT = { Enc.pkb.(Sq.<Nonce.nb>) | pkb <- PKEY, nb <- NONCE }
MSG3_BODY = { (Msg3, c) | c <- MSG3_CONT }
-- 8.5.2 Protocol encoding
-- The case of the NSL protocol
-- (not in the book)
channel send : USER . USER . MSG_BODY
channel recv : USER . USER . MSG_BODY
channel running, commit : USER . USER . NONCE
User_A = [] b : diff(USER,{A}) @
send.A.b.(Msg1, Enc.pk(b).(Sq.<Nonce.NA, User.A>))
-> [] nb : NONCE @
recv.A.b.(Msg2, Enc.PKA.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.NA, Nonce.nb>))
-> commit.A.b.NA
-> running.A.b.nb
-> send.A.b.(Msg3, Enc.pk(b).(Sq.<Nonce.nb>))
User_B = [] na : NONCE, a : diff(USER,{B}) @
recv.B.a.(Msg1, Enc.PKB.(Sq.<Nonce.na,User.a>))
-> running.B.a.na
-> send.B.a.(Msg2, Enc.pk(a).(Sq.<User.B, Nonce.na, Nonce.NB>))
-> recv.B.a.(Msg3, Enc.PKB.(Sq.<Nonce.NB>))
-> commit.B.a.NB
Network = send?a?b?m -> recv.b.a.m -> Network
Secure_System = (User_A ||| User_B) [| {|send, recv|} |] Network
-- 8.5.3 Encoding the intruder in CSPm
-- The case of the NSL protocol
-- (not in the book)
Fact = Union({
{ Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n, User.u>) | k<-PKEY, n <- NONCE, u <- USER },
{ Enc.k.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'>) | k<-PKEY, b <-USER, n <- NONCE, n' <- NONCE},
{ Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n>) | k<-PKEY, n <-NONCE }})
Msg1_Encryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n, User.u>), {Key.k, Nonce.n, User.u}) | k<-PKEY, n <- NONCE, u <- USER }
Msg2_Encryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Enc.k.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'>), {Key.k, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'}) | k<-PKEY, b <- USER, n <- NONCE, n' <- NONCE }
Msg3_Encryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n>), {Key.k, Nonce.n}) | k<-PKEY, n <- NONCE }
Encryption_Deduction_Rules =
Msg1_Decryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Nonce.n ,{Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n, User.u>), Key.sk(k)}) | k<-PKEY, n <- NONCE, u <- USER }
Msg2_Decryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Nonce.n , {Enc.k.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'>), Key.sk(k)}),
(Nonce.n', {Enc.k.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'>), Key.sk(k)}),
(User.b , {Enc.k.(Sq.<User.b, Nonce.n, Nonce.n'>), Key.sk(k)}) | k<-PKEY, b <- USER, n <- NONCE, n' <- NONCE }
Msg3_Decryption_Deduction_Rules =
{ (Nonce.n, {Enc.k.(Sq.<Nonce.n>), Key.sk(k)}) | k<-PKEY, n <- NONCE }
Decryption_Deduction_Rules =
Deduction_Rules =
channel infer : Fact . Deduction_Rules
rule_head((f,_)) = f
rule_body((_,bs)) = bs
rules_match_head(h,Rs) = { r | r <- Rs, rule_head(r) == h }
rules_contain_body(b,Rs) = { r | r <- Rs, member(b, rule_body(r)) }
Unknown(F) =
(member(F, MSG1_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Known(F))
(member(F, MSG2_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Known(F))
(member(F, MSG3_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Known(F))
([] r : rules_match_head(F,Deduction_Rules) @ infer.F.r -> Known(F))
Known(F) =
member(F, MSG1_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Known(F))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Known(F))
member(F, MSG2_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Known(F))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Known(F))
member(F, MSG3_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Known(F))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Known(F))
([] r : rules_contain_body(F,Deduction_Rules) @ infer.rule_head(r).r -> Known(F))
KnownAlpha(F) =
{ send.x.y.(Msg1,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG1_CONT)},
{ send.x.y.(Msg2,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG2_CONT)},
{ send.x.y.(Msg3,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG3_CONT)},
{ recv.x.y.(Msg1,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG1_CONT)},
{ recv.x.y.(Msg2,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG2_CONT)},
{ recv.x.y.(Msg3,F) | x <- USER, y <- USER, member(F, MSG3_CONT)},
{ infer.F.r | r <- rules_match_head(F,Deduction_Rules) },
{ infer.rule_head(r).r | r <- rules_contain_body(F,Deduction_Rules) }
IK = {Key.PKA, Key.PKB, Key.PKI, Key.SKI, Nonce.NI, User.A, User.B, User.I}
Intruder(K) =
|| F : Fact @ [KnownAlpha(F)]
if member(F,K) then
external chase
IntruderHideInfer = chase(Intruder(IK) \ {| infer |})
Unsecure_System = (User_A ||| User_B) [| {|send, recv|} |] IntruderHideInfer
-- 8.5.4 Encoding and verifying the security properties
-- The case of the NSL protocol
-- (not in the book)
Precedes(e,d) = e -> RUN({e,d})
Aliveness(a,b) = [] x : USER, n : NONCE, m : NONCE @ Precedes(running.b.x.n, commit.a.b.m)
AlphaAliveness(a,b) = { running.b.x.n, commit.a.b.m | x <- USER, n <- NONCE, m <- NONCE }
InjectiveAgreement(a,b,na) = Precedes(running.b.a.na, commit.a.b.na)
AlphaInjectiveAgreement(a,b,na) = { running.b.a.na, commit.a.b.na }
assert Aliveness(A,B) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaAliveness(A,B))) [T= Secure_System
assert Aliveness(B,A) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaAliveness(B,A))) [T= Secure_System
assert Aliveness(A,B) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaAliveness(A,B))) [T= Unsecure_System
assert Aliveness(B,A) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaAliveness(B,A))) [T= Unsecure_System
assert InjectiveAgreement(A,B,NA) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaInjectiveAgreement(A,B,NA))) [T= Secure_System
assert InjectiveAgreement(B,A,NB) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaInjectiveAgreement(B,A,NB))) [T= Secure_System
assert InjectiveAgreement(A,B,NA) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaInjectiveAgreement(A,B,NA))) [T= Unsecure_System
assert InjectiveAgreement(B,A,NB) |||
RUN(diff(Events,AlphaInjectiveAgreement(B,A,NB))) [T= Unsecure_System
Intruder2(K) =
([] F : diff(Fact, K) @
(member(F, MSG1_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Intruder2(union(K,{F})))
(member(F, MSG2_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Intruder2(union(K,{F})))
(member(F, MSG3_CONT) & [] x : diff(USER, {I}), y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Intruder2(union(K,{F})))
([] r : rules_match_head(F,Deduction_Rules) @ empty(diff(rule_body(r),K)) & infer.F.r -> Intruder2(union(K,{F})))
[] F : Fact @
member(F, MSG1_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Intruder2(K))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg1,F) -> Intruder2(K))
member(F, MSG2_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Intruder2(K))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg2,F) -> Intruder2(K))
member(F, MSG3_CONT) & (
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ send.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Intruder2(K))
( [] x : USER, y : USER @ recv.x.y.(Msg3,F) -> Intruder2(K))