library pelicanCrossing
%% 4.3.2 Ladder Logic
spec TransitionRelation =
preds button, request, old_sh, old_sl, sh, sl, pg, pgf, pr, tg, ta, tr, taf: ();
preds button', request', old_sh', old_sl', sh', sl', pg', pgf', pr', tg', ta', tr', taf': ();
. old_sh' <=> sh;
. old_sl' <=> sl;
. sh' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not old_sh' /\ old_sl');
. sl' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not request /\ button /\ not old_sl');
. request' <=> (button /\ not old_sh') \/ (button /\ not old_sl') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sh') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sl');
. pg' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
. pgf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
. pr' <=> not old_sh';
. tg' <=> (not old_sh' /\ not old_sl')
(not button /\ not request);
. ta' <=> not old_sh' /\ old_sl';
. tr' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
. taf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
spec TransitionRelationAlternative =
preds button, request, old_sh, old_sl, sh, sl, pg, pgf, pr, tg, ta, tr, taf: ();
then %def
pred old_sh' <=> sh;
then %def
pred old_sl' <=> sl;
then %def
pred sh' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not old_sh' /\ old_sl');
then %def
pred sl' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not request /\ button /\ not old_sl');
then %def
pred request' <=> (button /\ not old_sh') \/ (button /\ not old_sl') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sh') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sl');
then %def
pred pg' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
then %def
pred pgf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
then %def
pred pr' <=> not old_sh';
then %def
pred tg' <=> (not old_sh' /\ not old_sl')
(not button /\ not request);
then %def
pred ta' <=> not old_sh' /\ old_sl';
then %def
pred tr' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
then %def
pred taf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
then %cons
pred button': ();
%% 4.3.4 Inductive verification of Ladder Logic programs
spec InitialStatesAreSafe =
not request /\ not sh /\ not sl /\ not old_sh /\ not old_sl /\ not pg /\ not pgf /\ not pr /\ not tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ not taf;
then %implies
(( tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ taf'))
%(initial states are safe for vehicles)%
(( pg' /\ not pgf' /\ not pr') \/
( not pg' /\ pgf' /\ not pr') \/
( not pg' /\ not pgf' /\ pr'))
%(initial states are safe for pedestrians)%
spec TransitionsAndPedestrianSafety =
then %implies
(( pg /\ not pgf /\ not pr) \/
( not pg /\ pgf /\ not pr) \/
( not pg /\ not pgf /\ pr))
(( pg' /\ not pgf' /\ not pr') \/
( not pg' /\ pgf' /\ not pr') \/
( not pg' /\ not pgf' /\ pr'))
%(safety is preserved for pedestrians)%;
spec TransitionsAndTrafficSafety =
then %implies
(( tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ ta /\ not tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ not ta /\ tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ taf))
(( tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ taf'))
%(safety is preserved for vehicles)%;
%% Inductive Verification
%% Copy of TransitionRelation to start a new development:
spec TransitionRelation2 =
preds button, request, old_sh, old_sl, sh, sl, pg, pgf, pr, tg, ta, tr, taf: ();
preds button', request', old_sh', old_sl', sh', sl', pg', pgf', pr', tg', ta', tr', taf': ();
. old_sh' <=> sh;
. old_sl' <=> sl;
. sh' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not old_sh' /\ old_sl');
. sl' <=> (old_sh' /\ not old_sl') \/ (not request /\ button /\ not old_sl');
. request' <=> (button /\ not old_sh') \/ (button /\ not old_sl') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sh') \/ (request /\ not button /\ not old_sl');
. pg' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
. pgf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
. pr' <=> not old_sh';
. tg' <=> (not old_sh' /\ not old_sl')
(not button /\ not request);
. ta' <=> not old_sh' /\ old_sl';
. tr' <=> old_sh' /\ not old_sl';
. taf' <=> old_sh' /\ old_sl';
%% Establishing that that the formula is an invariant
spec InvariantHoldsInInitalStates =
not request /\ not sh /\ not sl /\ not old_sh /\ not old_sl /\ not pg /\ not pgf /\ not pr /\ not tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ not taf;
then %implies
not ( not button' /\ not request' /\ (sh' \/ sl') )
%(invariant holds in initial states)%
spec InvariantHoldsForTransitions =
then %implies
not (not button /\ not request /\ (sh \/ sl) )
not ( not button' /\ not request' /\ (sh' \/ sl') )
%(invariant is preserved when making a transition)%
spec TransitionsAreSafeUnderInvariant =
then %implies
not (not button /\ not request /\ (sh \/ sl) ) /\
(( tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ ta /\ not tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ not ta /\ tr /\ not taf) \/
( not tg /\ not ta /\ not tr /\ taf))
(( tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ ta' /\ not tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ tr' /\ not taf') \/
( not tg' /\ not ta' /\ not tr' /\ taf'))
%(safety is preserved for vehicles under an invariant)%;