-- ManualGroundStart
-- ******* BUTTONS ***********
channel press, release
-- ButtonOFF and ButtonON - this are the general process for the needed buttons
ButtonOFF = press -> ButtonON
ButtonON = release -> ButtonOFF
-- Instantiate the general ButtonON ButtonOFF for the individual buttons:
channel mc_press, mc_release
MasterCrank = ButtonOFF [[press <- mc_press, release <- mc_release]]
channel ms_press, ms_release
MasterStart = ButtonOFF [[press <- ms_press, release <- ms_release]]
channel engineStartON
EngineStart = engineStartON -> EngineStart
channel fc_press, fc_release
FuelControl = ButtonOFF [[press <- fc_press, release <- fc_release]]
channel ci_press, ci_release
ContIgnition = ButtonOFF [[press <- ci_press, release <- ci_release]]
-- All Buttons
Buttons = MasterCrank ||| MasterStart ||| EngineStart ||| FuelControl ||| ContIgnition
-- ********* Checking for the aircraft and engine condition ************************
channel aircraftCondition:Bool
channel engineCondition:Bool
channel inhibitStart, startOK
CheckConditions = aircraftCondition ? ac -> engineCondition ? ec -> Checking(ac,ec)
[] engineCondition ? ec -> aircraftCondition ? ac -> Checking(ac,ec)
Checking(ac,ec) = if (ac and ec) then startOK -> SKIP else InhibitStart
InhibitStart = inhibitStart -> SKIP
-- ****** Initiating Interaction with the EEC ***********
-- engineStartOn has effect only after both
-- MasterCrank
-- ContIgnition
-- are ON
StartInteractionEEC = mc_press -> NowCIpress
[] ci_press -> NowMCpress
[] engineStartON -> StartInteractionEEC
-- InitStartOK is the state where
-- both MasterCrank and ContIgnition are ON
NowCIpress = ci_press -> InitStartOK
[] engineStartON -> NowCIpress
NowMCpress = mc_press -> InitStartOK
[] engineStartON -> NowMCpress
-- now engineStartON has an effect
InitStartOK = engineStartON -> AtLeastOneEngineStartOn
-- the engineStartOn Button can be pressed any time
-- though it does not have any further effect
-- the state "Start initiated" has been reached
AtLeastOneEngineStartOn = startOK -> SKIP
[] engineStartON -> AtLeastOneEngineStartOn
-- Main Process of the Manual Ground Start
channel abortStart
channel commandIGNoff
-- Note: the effect of mc_release wrongly leads to abort
-- even ***after*** Starter Disengagement Speed has been reached
-- mc_release -> abortStart -> SKIP
Interrupts = fc_release -> abortStart -> STOP
[] ci_release -> commandIGNoff -> STOP
ManualGroundStart =
(CheckConditions [| {|startOK|} |] StartInteractionEEC) \ { startOK };
((Region ||| EngineStart) /\ Interrupts)
[| { mc_press, mc_release,
ms_press, ms_release,
fc_press, fc_release,
ci_press, ci_release}
--*********** Starting the internal procedure of the MGS ****************
datatype SAVMode = open | close
channel sav:SAVMode
StartInit = sav.open -> fc_press -> Fuel
[] fc_press -> sav.open -> Fuel
channel commandFuelON, commandIgnON
-- commandFuelON and commandIgnON interleave:
Fuel = commandFuelON -> commandIgnON -> SKIP
[] commandIgnON -> commandFuelON -> SKIP
Region = (StartInit /\ (mc_release -> abortStart -> STOP)) ;
(MasterSpeed ||| (ButtonON [[press <- mc_press, release <- mc_release]] ))
-- ******** Checking for the speed and the idle *****************
SPEED1 = 15 -- this is the % of the max speed
SPEED2 = 65 -- this is the % of the max speed
channel readNH:{0..100}
channel startComplete
MasterSpeed = readNH ? x -> if (x>SPEED1) then SpeedReached else MasterSpeed
SpeedReached = sav.close -> MasterIdle
MasterIdle = readNH ? x -> if (x>SPEED2) then StartCompleted else MasterIdle
StartCompleted = startComplete -> SKIP