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-- ATM10 and ATM11

datatype DisplayActions = ready | menu | accountBalance | messagePinWrong | cardSwallowed
channel Display : DisplayActions

datatype CardSlotActions = cardI | cardO
channel CardSlot : CardSlotActions

datatype KeyPadActions = pinE 
channel KeyPad: KeyPadActions

datatype CashSlotActions = cashO
channel CashSlot: CashSlotActions

datatype ButtonActions = checkBalance | withdrawCash | 
                         withdrawEuro | withdrawSterling | withdrawDollar

channel Buttons: ButtonActions

datatype CheckActions = pinOK | pinWrong
channel Check: CheckActions

channel requestPCheck, comparePinWithCard

PinVerification = 
     requestPCheck -> comparePinWithCard
  ->((Check.pinOK -> PinVerification) 
     (Check.pinWrong -> PinVerification))

UserDialog = Display.ready -> CardSlot.cardI
          -> PinCheck(3) 

PinCheck(n) = KeyPad.pinE -> requestPCheck 
          -> ((Check.pinOK -> Services) 
               -> if (n==1) 
                  then Display.messagePinWrong
                       -> Display.cardSwallowed 
                       -> UserDialog 
                  else Display.messagePinWrong
                       -> PinCheck(n-1)

Services = -> (CashWithdrawal [] BalanceCheck)

BalanceCheck = 
  Buttons.checkBalance -> Display.accountBalance 
  -> CardSlot.cardO -> UserDialog

CashWithdrawal = 
     (    Buttons.withdrawCash 
       -> CardSlot.cardO 
       -> CashSlot.cashO 
       -> UserDialog
    [[ Buttons.withdrawCash<-Buttons.withdrawEuro,

ATM10 = UserDialog 
       [| {| requestPCheck, Check  |} |] 

ATM11 = ATM10 \ {| requestPCheck, Check, comparePinWithCard |}